In January 2003, Don and Pat Deally went to the west coast to visit retired Winnipegers (if Winnipeg RATS can be called WRATS, then I guess Elmer Fudd might call this group the W-WRATS [Western Winnipeg RATS])... Don said they had a great time but he missed the Prairie weather.
Back L-R: John Bauer, Steve Denike, Al Otto, Len Daczko
Val Sartisohn, Al Chance
Front L-R: Gord Hole, Jim Allardyce, Don Deally
Finally an opportunity to post a picture of the "better half" - those long suffering partners who have managed to keep their ATC men healthy so they can retire and play golf... From the recent WWRATS gathering:
Back L-R: Joyce Chance, Yvonne Daczo, Dianne Allardyce, Linda Sartisohn
Pat Deally, Bernice Otto
Front L-R: Carol Denike and Edwina Bauer